God dammit ubuntu!
I have to start by admitting one thing: I use to hate servers. Every time I even had to open a remote connection, that would ruin my mood. Granted, I am a web developer, my work depends on it. But still…
All that is just to explain why I haven’t updated my ancient server for a few years
Ok, time to roll up my… well, I don’t really wear long sleeves… Anyway, I take a deep breath and try to upgrade it.
sudo do-release-upgrade
Reading cache
Checking package manager
Cannot upgrade
An upgrade from 'zesty' to 'bionic' is not supported with this tool.
=== Command terminated with exit status 1 (Sat Sep 18 16:30:40 2021) ===
Ooops Apparently this upgrading tool doesn’t support my version anymore
I tried ducking around (yes, I use duck duck go), but none of the results was working for me
Got in contact with scaleway and they said: - ubuntu is only upgradeable for 2 major versions. Now you have to destroy your instance, and make a new one.
Dammit, now I will have a new instance with new price. My old instance was super cheap because it was that old.
Ok, it was my fault. I will not complain. lets go!
So I got my new instance and started working on it:
- Create my own user & secure it
- install and configure nginx and certbot
- install docker
- git clone my apps, run devops script
- spend days and days fixing…
… wait a minute …
it works! 😎
But wait, how is this working? 🤔
it took me months to set up the old server
You see, the old server I had to set up app by app
but when I got 2 more developers to work on my side project, I decided to have it all running on docker, so it would be easy to have it working for everyone
I was expecting it would be easier, but having it all working in minutes was unbelievable.